Friday, December 4, 2009

Food Co-ops

I have found a fantastic produce co-op available to people living in the western  U. S. states.  The website is and has a complete listing of available drop sites.  Check to see if they are in your area.  If not, there are co-ops everywhere.  Just get online and google co-ops in your area and see what comes up.
So how does it work?
Go to the website and register. 
Determine your drop location and this will determine when you can purchase your basket.
They offer a standard produce basket that has fruits and veggies.  You order in two week cycles.  There is enough produce to fill a large laundry basket! 
It costs $15 for a basket and for first timers there is a $3 fee to start.  Every two weeks you go online and purchase how ever many baskets you need for your family and then pick up your basket at your drop site at the designated time later in the week.  There is a $1.50 handling fee for all purchases.  So my total basket is $16.50 each time I order.  You don't have to order every two weeks, but that is the ordering cycle.  Make sure you take a container with you to put your food in.  They don't provide them at the pick up site.
The baskets have different things each time but it is well rounded.  I have figured there is about $50-$75 worth of produce for $15.  It has helped us reduce our food budget tremendously. 
There are other things available each time too.  They have specialty baskets you can purchase like a mexican produce or italian and citrus in season too.  You can purchase whole grain and specialty breads too.  All at a savings over traditional grocery stores.  All of these items are in addition to the traditional basket and the prices vary.
Since it is a co-op there are no paid employees.  They ask that everyone help out and that includes going early to help divide up the food off the truck and then help handing out the baskets.  It has been tremendously rewarding and our family is eating healthier too because we have more produce now than we normally do because it is so inexpensive. 
What comes in the regular basket?  
I have been doing this for about 2 months now and have gotten the following items throughout this time.

Lettuce, potatoes, spinich, broccoli, onions (red and yellow), carrots, celery, cucumbers, broccoflower, cauliflower, mushrooms, green beans
Pineapple, Guava, apples, oranges, lemons, limes, cantaloupe, bananas, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, cranberries
The specialty baskets have the ingredients listed on the website when they are available. 

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